Best prices for high-quality precious metal white sapphire jewelry

We invite you to compare our precious metals jewelry prices with other jewelers and you’ll see that, gram for gram in gold, palladium and platinum white sapphire jewelry, we offer the best prices for the highest-quality white sapphire rings, wedding sets, pendants and earrings manufactured anywhere.
Why can we say that with 100% confidence?
Part of it is because our average cost markup for gold, palladium, and platinum is 20-40% less than the industry standard for precious metals jewelry....but it’s also that we have designed our online shopping experience to be fair.
Every piece of jewelry we make and sell has a specific metal weight. That doesn’t change. We will use the same amount of gold making The Rochelle ring in 2 carat round cut center stone for John in 2019 as we did making the same ring for Stephanie in 2012 (with small variance, because of the finger ring size, which is beyond the scope of this short description).
The cost we have to pay for that amount of precious metal we need to make the ring, however, changes.
The precious metals we use to manufacture our high-quality white sapphire zirconia jewelry are .925 Sterling Silver, 10 karat Gold, 14 karat Gold, 18 karat Gold, Palladium, and pure 950 Platinum.
On the budget Sterling Silver end of the precious metals spectrum, the metal weight needed for us to make that ring or other jewelry affects the price you'll pay much less than on the premium Platinum end of the spectrum.
Why? Some customers of ours that research the jewelry industry before purchasing may have learned that the wholesale metal market prices paid by volume purchasers like our company for silver, gold, palladium and platinum metals change regularly--even on a daily basis.
However, the periodic fluctuations are smaller for sterling silver than platinum because the base cost for silver is significantly smaller (for example as of this writing in July 2018, platinum costs 54 times as much money per troy ounce as sterling silver!).
If you've done that kind of research, then you're among these savvy customers we hope will recognize integrity when they see it!
That's because at our company we strive to take those metal cost fluctuations into account, passing along our "hard cost savings" to customers on the retail prices we ask them to pay when appropriate-- especially if our metals costs change significantly from the time we provide you a custom white sapphire jewelry price quote and the future date of your actual purchase of that quoted piece.
Plus, for our existing catalog of jewelry, we’re the only jewelry company we know of making high-quality white sapphire rings, bands, pendants, earrings, wedding sets and other finished jewelry for consumers where the prices we charge for an item on our website change as often as daily.
We don't feel it's fair for jewelry retailers to take advantage of customers by charging too much for gold or other precious metals. Let's take for example gold, the wholesale cost for which has fallen multiple times during our company history 30% or more in a single year (e.g. from $1600 to $1100 U.S. dollars per troy ounce from August 2014 to August 2015). Yet most retailer jeweler prices are still based off of out-dated wholesale costs! When a retailer puts a piece of jewelry’s price on their website or in their display case when an ounce of gold costs $1600 USD and then gold falls to $1100 USD...we believe that any customer buying that piece of jewelry at that retail price is paying too much money.
That is our opinion, and we have designed our business to treat our customers the way we would want to be treated. Why should that jeweler make more money just because they made a mistake and hoped you wouldn’t know?
That’s why we invested in e-commerce technology so that many of the prices on our website for pre-manufactured, non-custom jewelry styles can change daily a few pennies or dollars up or down reflecting those changes in our costs accounted for by swings in the metal markets.
This happens based on the most current wholesale jeweler costs in the precious metals market.
As the market cost fluctuates for an ounce of gold, palladium, sterling silver, or platinum...every day our hard costs for the precious metal weight amount needed to make your jewelry piece will change a little. So whatever savings we have on making a piece today versus yesterday, we share with our customers that purchase today. That means, when our cost to make a piece of jewelry goes down today, your price to buy it on our website will go down tomorrow. It’s dynamic and changes automatically.
Doing that was not easy but the end result of a long-held belied that most jewelry retailers were charging too much. And after multiple years of website work and data integrations, we did it!
We believe it’s fair pricing when we make the same profit no matter what are our hard cost of precious metals to make your jewelry...and to our knowledge NO ONE ELSE IN OUR BUSINESS DOES THIS!
While all purchase prices transacted on our website are final, if you are trying to time your purchase with falling metal markets rates and notice a product on our website over the course of a few weeks that isn't getting cheaper for some reason, please let us know. We do have some products that don't change prices on-line automatically with our technology; simply call us toll-free at during business hours for an updated price on your item and we'll change the price manually-- reflecting savings from any reduction in our metal markets costs-- and get the item ready for you to purchase at the lower price. Fair enough?
Thanks again for trusting
- Tags: coupons and discounts custom design your own and replica jewelry Earrings Engagement Engagement Rings gift ideas gold jewelry making Palladium pendants Platinum precious metals retail jeweler stores and stories ring sizes and sizing Rings Rose Gold round cut sterling silver White Gold white sapphire white sapphire jewelry company news & product announcements Yellow Gold
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